Keep The Faith
Psalm 25:10 (New International Version) 10 "All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant." During these challenging times I am reminding myself of God's faithfulness and love toward me. My God loves me and thinks good thoughts about me and still has a plan for me to live out his word for the assignment he has placed on my life. His anointing is still on me whether I succeed or fail and though I stumble he will always be available to pick me up, dust me off and encourage me to carry on. According to the scripture God looks over the earth to find those of us whose hearts remain devoted to him. He isn't sitting on the throne of Heaven disengaged or uninterested in life and our problems. He is faithful and just to finish the work he started in us. When Jesus died on the cross God didn't stop working in Jesus because his physical body wasn't alive anymore. He continued to be with his son and see to it that his plan for Jesus to be resurrected and salvation and freedom for all mankind would take place. So if you are like me and you struggle at times from the battle; remind yourself of God's faithfulness. There are many voices pulling at you. Listen to the one that matters. Howard's Helpful Hint: Centered people remind themselves of God's faithfulness.