Thank You-Stay Connected!
As most of you know I have been wrapped up in a full time job and then spending time recording and writing and promoting my cd and music and books! It's a lot to do but in God's grace i do all things while he is strengthening me! Which brings me to a point to speak about. I have learned it doesn't matter how much music I write, how many books I write or sell if I don't stay connected to one who gives me the wellspring of life. Psalm 1:2 "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his word he meditates day and night." My life, my joy , my strength are all found in him! Sounds simple I know-It's walking it out that seems to be the hard part at times! God is not waiting for me to save the world.He is waiting for me to engage in the relationship with him! I love the word of God, I love the presence of the Holy Spirit and I love to see my brothers and sisters doing well in the Lord! Please stay connected daily with the Lord and please stay connected with me! Let me know whats on your heart and mind. I love praying for you all! Talk to you soon!